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PP 先祖与先知 Patriarchs and Prophets
AA 使徒行述 The Acts of the Apostles
ExV53 救赎的故事 Notes of Explanation
MB 福山宝训 Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
LP 使徒保罗传 Sketches from the Life of Paul
1SP 《预言之灵》卷一 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1
2SP 《预言之灵》卷二 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 2
3SP 《预言之灵》卷三 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3
4SP 《预言之灵》卷四 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4
1SG 《属灵的恩赐》卷一 Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1
2SG 《属灵的恩赐》卷二 Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2
3SG 《属灵的恩赐》卷三 Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3
4aSG 《属灵的恩赐》卷四A Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4a
4bSG 《属灵的恩赐》卷四B Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4b