Word of Caution
我蒙指示嘱咐父母们要当心,要保守儿女远离巴特尔克里克。要让人人都留心他们怎样听。流传着关于怀姐妹的许多事。一些人这样说,一些人那样说。有些人说怀姐妹并不反对我们在巴特尔克里克有一所大学。在怀姐妹亲自作出这个声明之前,不要相信这种说法。我要对那些知道来自主的信息的人说坚持住:因为一切都将很快实现。要持定圣经。基督说过:“你们查考圣经,因你们以为内中有永生;给我作见证的就是这经”(约5:39)。{KC 6.4}
I am instructed to charge parents to take heed, to keep their children guarded and away from Battle Creek. And let all take heed how they hear. Many things are reported in regard to Sister White. Some say one thing, and some say another. There are those who say that Sister White does not object to our having a college in Battle Creek. Until Sister White herself makes this statement, do not believe it. To those who know the messages from the Lord, I would say Hold fast: for soon all will be fulfilled. Hold fast to the Bible. “Search the Scriptures,” Christ said, “for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”{KC 6.4}
许多人会变得如此喜欢错误观点以致会忙于宣传这些似是而非的虚伪理论的观点。此外,他们还会慷慨地报答任何一个愿意帮助宣传这些观点的人。{KC 6.5}
Many will become so pleased with erroneous sentiments that they will engage in the promulgation of these sentiments and of specious, deceptive?theories. And more than this, they will liberally pay anyone who will assist in promulgating these sentiments.{KC 6.5}
要让我们的各教会当心有人做出任何努力为要拉拢我们的青少年离开自己家庭的教会去与一个机构联合以便侍候俗人。我呼吁负责我们各教会的人当心此事。你们是牧人,被安置为要看守基督羊群的大羊小羊。我们的青少年在有限的范围内接受教育要比去巴特尔克里克好得多。然而因为我们的青少年不应该去巴特尔克里克,他们不应当受到约束,以致不能发展。应当天天给他们前进的最高动机。他们应当参加我们的学校,教师们应当与他们一起工作,并与他们一起祷告。他们离开这些学校时应当成为真正的医疗布道士,坚定地与福音事工密切联合。{KC 7.1}
Let our churches beware of any effort made to draw our youth from their home churches to unite with an institution in order to wait upon worldlings. I call upon those in charge of our churches to beware. You are shepherds, set to watch over the sheep and lambs of Christ’s flock. Our youth better far receive their education in a limited sphere than to go to Battle Creek. But because our youth should not go to Battle Creek, they are not to be bound about, so that they cannot develop. They should daily be given the highest motives to advance. They should attend our schools, and the teacher should work with them, and pray with them. They should leave these schools true medical missionaries firmly bound up with the gospel ministry.{KC 7.1}
我们的各教会不必犯大错;这些教会深切关心儿童和青少年,以及及培训工人好推进这时候所必需的工作。因为上帝必为正在完善基督徒品格的人开路。祂会有地方给他们去开始从事真正的医疗布道工作。正是为了预备工人从事这项工作,我们才我们建立了学校和疗养院。{KC 7.2}
Our churches who have a deep interest in the children and youth and in the work of training workers to carry forward the work essential for this time, need not blunder; for God will open ways before all who are perfecting Christian characters. He will have places already for them in which to begin to do true missionary work. It was to prepare workers for this work, that our schools and sanitariums were established.{KC 7.2}
但愿我们不要犯错误。圣言宣布说:“将来有好些人冒我的名来,说:‘我是基督’”(太24:5)。“假基督、假先知将要起来,显大神迹、大奇事,倘若能行,连选民也就迷惑了”(太24:24)。难道我们要信任这些人吗?不,不要信任。我们只应接受那些拿出最确实的证据表明他们是在从事上帝所指定给他们的工作的人。{KC 7.3}
Let us make no mistakes. The word declared, “Many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ.” There shall arise false prophets and false Christs and shall show great signs and wonders: insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Shall we receive these into our confidence, No no. We are to receive only those who give the surest evidence that they are doing the work appointed them by God.{KC 7.3}
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