With Singleness of Heart
基督正在号召凡自称信靠祂的人藉着他们自己在凡事上舍己和节制的榜样来彰显祂的美德。祂要求他们藉着顺从真理的榜样使人与祂心连心。应当以最有吸引力的样子将救主舍己和自我牺牲的榜样始终摆在病人面前。“上帝爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生”(约3:16)。救主的牺牲,祂取了人性,祂被祂来要赐福的百姓弃绝,祂没有怨言地忍受苦难,特别是祂舍己的日常生活,应当不断地活画在他们心眼之前。{KC 30.2}
Christ is calling all who claim to believe in Him to reveal by their own example of self-denial and temperance in all things, the virtues of His character. He asks them, by an example of obedience to the truth, to bind souls to Him. The Saviour’s example of self-denial and self-sacrifice is to be kept before the patients in the most attractive light. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The Saviour’s sacrifice, His taking human nature, His rejection by the people whom He came to bless, His uncomplaining sufferings, and especially His daily life of self-denial, are to be kept constantly before their minds.{KC 30.2}
在人类身上恢复上帝的道德形像的工作中,每一件事都取决于上帝生命之每一使人归正的能力。基督救人的恩典能为每一个人成就这事。那些愿意成为得人者的人必须研究基督影响人心的方法。撒但和他的爪牙正在设法使男男女女反抗上帝和真理。当我们疗养院中的工人们照着所应当的认识到这一点时,就会对那些来接受治疗和休息的人施加每一为善的影响。{KC 30.3}
In the work of restoring the moral image of God in man, everything depends upon the conversion of every power of the being of God. The saving grace of Christ is able to accomplish this for every soul. Those who would be soul-winners must study Christ’s methods of reaching souls. Satan and his agencies are seeking to keep men and women in rebellion against God and the truth. When the workers in our sanitariums realize this as they should, every possible influence for good will be brought to bear upon those who come for treatment and rest.{KC 30.3}
我们的各机构若是得到正确的管理,就会成为使我们接触基督教妇女节制协会的工人们的手段。这些人中有许多高贵的灵魂,他们在这个组织中需要认识到遵守第四条诫命乃是他们所需要的经验,以便完善基督徒品格。当他们愿意在这个问题上将自己的意愿屈服于祂的旨意的时候,上帝就会使他们的努力更有效地拯救属于祂的灵与魂与身子。{KC 30.4}
If our institutions are rightly conducted they will be the means of bringing us in touch with the workers in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Many of these noble souls in this organization need to learn that obedience to the fourth commandment is an experience that they need in order?to perfect a Christian character. When they will yield their will to His will in this matter, God will make their efforts more effectual to the saving of soul, body, and spirit of Himself.{KC 30.4}
我的同工们,要始终穿着基督之义的军装。令人愉快话语、忠心的护理、想要解除痛苦的愿望,会为你们开一条路,使人心转向永不失败的医治之源,就是那位受死而为失丧灭亡的人们付了赎价的主。仇敌会将战斗迫近到城门,然而要始终穿着军装。要记住每一个归顺真道的人都增加我们将真理传给世人的效能。我们设法使人遵守上帝的诫命时,基督的恩典就是应许给我们的。我们应当乐于开始从事祂要求我们去做的任何事。{KC 31.1}
My fellow-workers, keep on the armor of Christ’s righteousness. Pleasant words, faithful attendance, a desire to relieve suffering, will win a way for you to turn the mind to the never failing source of healing, the One who died to pay the ransom price for lost and ruined men. The enemy will press the battle to the gates, but keep the armor on. Remember that every one converted to the faith adds to our efficiency to give the truth to the world. The grace of Christ is promised us as we seek to turn souls to obedience to the commandments of God. We should be willing to undertake whatever He calls upon us to do.{KC 31.1}
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