第05章 我们书刊的影响
Chap. 5—Influence of Our Publications
我蒙指示,我们应当不惜代价,把我们的书刊印成各种文字,分发到各文明国家。在这个时代,金钱的价值怎么能与灵魂的价值相比呢?……CEv 28.1[1]
I have been shown that our publications should be printed in different languages and sent to every civilized country, at any cost. What is the value of money at this time, in comparison with the value of souls? ...{CEv 28.1}[1]
我蒙指示,印刷品能发挥向善或向恶的强大能力。这个工具可以达到和影响到公众的心,是其他方法所达不到的。印刷品若在圣洁归主的人控制之下,就能成为一种行善的力量,引人认识真理。……CEv 28.2[2]
I have been shown that the press is powerful for good or evil. This agency can reach and influence the public mind as no other means can. The press, controlled by men who are sanctified to God, can be a power indeed for good in bringing men to the knowledge of the truth ....{CEv 28.2}[2]
我蒙指示看到:印刷品一直在一些外国人的心中进行工作,推倒偏见和迷信的墙壁。我蒙指示看到男男女女们正在认认真真地研究有关现代真理的报刊和小册子。他们阅读对他们来说是十分新奇的证据,就以新的深切兴趣打开圣经,于是他们过去所不明白的真理向他们显明了,特别是有关第四诫安息日的亮光。当他们查考圣经,看看事情是否如此时,就有新的亮光照在他们的悟性上,因为天使正在他们上方,使他们所读之书刊里的真理深深感动他们的心。CEv 28.3[3]
【In Other Lands】
I have been shown that the publications already have been doing a work upon some minds in other countries, in breaking down the walls of prejudice and superstition. I was shown men and women studying with intense interest papers and a few pages of tracts upon present truth. They would read the evidences so wonderful and new to them, and would open their Bibles with a deep and new interest, as subjects of truth that had been dark to them were made plain, especially the light in regard to the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. As they searched the Scriptures to see if these things were so, a new light shone upon their understanding, for angels were hovering over them, and impressing their minds with the truths contained in the publications they had been reading.{CEv 28.3}[3]
我看见他们一手拿着书刊和小册子,一手拿着圣经,脸上流着眼泪,诚恳谦卑地俯服在上帝面前祷告,求祂引导他们进入一切的真理。这件事是在他们求告祂以前,祂一直在为他们做的。当真理向他们的心显示时,他们就看出真理和谐的链环。圣经在他们成了一部新的书。他们以感激喜乐之情把圣经接在自己的心中,同时他们的面上也流露出幸福和圣洁的喜乐。CEv 28.4[4]
【Searching with Prayer and Tears】
I saw them holding papers and tracts in one hand, and the Bible in the other, while their cheeks?were wet with tears; and bowing before God in earnest, humble prayer, to be guided into all truth—the very thing He was doing for them before they called upon Him. And when the truth was received in their hearts, and they saw the harmonious chain of truth, the Bible was to them a new book; they hugged it to their hearts with grateful joy, while their countenances were all aglow with happiness and holy joy.{CEv 28.4}[4]
他们不满足于单单自己享有这真光。他们开始为别人工作。一些人为真理的缘故作出了很大的牺牲,帮助处在黑暗中的弟兄。分发外国语的小册子和书刊的伟大工作就这样打开了门路。—《生平传略》,第214, 215页. CEv 29.1[5]
【They Tell It to Others】
These were not satisfied with merely enjoying the light themselves, and they began to work for others. Some made great sacrifices for the truth’s sake and to help those of the brethren who were in darkness. The way is thus preparing to do a great work in the distribution of tracts and papers in other languages.—Life Sketches, 214, 215.{CEv 29.1}[5]
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