第10章 资金状况
Chap. 10—Finance
因为那些自称跟从基督的人没有遵行福音的原则,以致工作迟滞下来。有些文字布道士,老少都有,在工作上显出疏懒的态度,实足表明他们还有重要的教训要学。我已看见有许多人所做的,是散乱的工作。有些人已养成有缺陷的习惯,这种缺陷已被带入上帝的工作之中。由于文字布道士不能结清债务,书报发行所已深受债务之累。文字布道士由出版社领到书报,若要他们迅速付款,他们就以为受了虐待;然而若要继续开展业务,唯一之道就是要迅速付账。CEv 65.1[1]
The work is halting because gospel principles are not obeyed by those who claim to be following Christ. The loose way in which some canvassers, both old and young, have performed their work shows that they have important lessons to learn. Much haphazard work has been presented before me. Some have trained themselves in deficient habits, and this deficiency has been brought into the work of God. The tract and missionary societies have been deeply involved in debt through the failure of canvassers to meet their indebtedness. Canvassers have felt that they were ill-treated if required to pay promptly for the books received from the publishing houses. Yet to require prompt remittal is the only way to carry on business.{CEv 65.1}[1]
我们须有相当的安排,以便文字布道士不必透支而足能维持生计。这道试探之门必须严予扃闭。一个文字布道士无论如何诚实,在工作上总不免有些情形会出现,对他来说会成为厉害的试探。CEv 65.2[2]
【Door Closed and Barred】
Matters should be so arranged that canvassers shall have enough to live on without overdrawing. This door of temptation must be closed and barred. However honest a canvasser may be, circumstances will arise in his work which will be to him a sore temptation.{CEv 65.2}[2]
懒惰和散漫不是基督徒的树所结的果子。在经手主的财物上,无人能撒谎或不诚实而仍在上帝面前无罪。凡那样行的人,就是在行为上否认基督。他们自称遵行和教授上帝的律法,其实却没有维护律法的原则。 CEv 65.3[3]
Laziness and indolence are not the fruit borne upon the Christian tree. No soul can practice prevarication or dishonesty in handling the Lord’s goods and stand guiltless before God. All who do this are in action denying Christ. While they profess to keep and teach God’s law, they fail to maintain its principles.{CEv 65.3}[3]
主的财物应当忠心处理。主已将生命,健康,及推理的能力付托给人,祂已将体力和脑力赐给人去运用;人岂可不忠心殷勤地使用这些恩赐来荣耀祂的名吗?我们的弟兄们曾否想到自己必须为所得的一切才干交账呢?他们是聪明地经营主的财物,还是任意挥霍祂的物资,并且被天庭写下为不忠心的仆人呢?许多人耗费主的钱财在所谓的狂欢之中;他们没有得到克己的经验,却把金钱耗费在虚荣的事上,并不背十字架跟从耶稣。许多曾蒙上帝特赐宝贵特权的人,已虚耗了自己的人生,而今正陷于痛苦穷乏的境地。 CEv 65.4[4]
The Lord’s goods should be handled with faithfulness. The Lord has entrusted men with life?and health and reasoning powers, He has given them physical and mental strength to be exercised; and should not these gifts be faithfully and diligently employed to His name’s glory? Have our brethren considered that they must give an account for all the talents placed in their possession? Have they traded wisely with their Lord’s goods, or have they spent His substance recklessly, and are they written in heaven as unfaithful servants? Many are spending their Lord’s money in riotous enjoyment, so called; they are not gaining an experience in self-denial, but spending money on vanities, and are failing to bear the cross after Jesus. Many who were privileged with precious, God-given opportunities have wasted their lives and are now found in suffering and want.{CEv 65.4}[4]
上帝要我们在各部工作上有确切的进步。凡与上帝圣工有关的事务,都应当有更加精确的特色。可惜我们现今尚未坚决实行这不可少的改良。—《教会证言》卷六第337-338页. CEv 66.1[5]
God calls for decided improvement to be made in the various branches of the work. The business done in connection with the cause of God must be marked with greater precision and exactness. There has not been firm, decided effort to bring about essential reform.—Testimonies for the Church, 6:337-338.{CEv 66.1}[5]
在陷入困难时,有些文字布道士便指望从库中提钱帮助他们脱离困境,而这只能使他们再次陷入困境,又要求帮助。那些在主的库中作忠心管家的人,务要警醒注意,不可因这样提钱而使供应枯竭。人们若是不能藉着推销书报将每一块钱合法地带到库中,便要让他们就此止步。他们若是不能把钱财带到库中,反而抢夺主的府库,就不应参加销售书报的工作。CEv 66.2[6]
【Canvassers Expect to Be Helped】
When they get into difficulty, some canvassers expect that money is to be drawn from the treasury to help them out, only to get into strait places again, and again to require help. Those who are stewards of the means in the treasury must keep a sharp lookout to see that the supply is not exhausted by these drafts. When men cannot by canvassing bring into the treasury every dollar that belongs to it rightly, let them stop just where?they are. They should not engage in canvassing unless they can bring means into the treasury, instead of robbing it.{CEv 66.2}[6]
人人都需实行节约。哪个工人管理自己事务的方式都不应招致债务。还没挣到钱就从库中提钱的做法乃是一个网罗。这样财力就会受限,以致工人们无法在传道工作上得到供养。何时一个人若是自愿卷入债务,便是陷身于撒但为生灵铺设的网罗中。—《文布道士手册》第65页. CEv 67.1[7]
【Not to Incur Debt】
All must practice economy. No worker should manage his affairs in a way to incur debt. The practice of drawing money from the treasury before it is earned, is a snare. In this way the resources are limited, so that laborers cannot be supported in missionary work. When one voluntarily becomes involved in debt, he is entangling himself in one of Satan’s nets which he sets for souls.—Manual for Canvassers, 65.{CEv 67.1}[7]
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