About The Author
怀亚瑟是怀雅各和怀爱伦七个孙子之一,是怀威廉和埃塞尔·梅·怀特在1907年10月7日所生的儿子。怀亚瑟在北加利福尼亚州圣赫勒那疗养院下面风景如画的普拉特山谷里长大。这个小山谷怀抱着他的父亲怀威廉的家,以及祖母怀爱伦的家榆园和其它几个家庭。亚瑟在附近的10年级教会学校上学,后来在太平洋联合学院 继续他的学业。他于1928年获得商业管理文凭,同年与同班同学弗里达.贝尔.斯温格尔结婚。新婚燕尔,小夫妇俩搬到田纳西州麦迪逊学院 。他在那里当助理会计,她兼做学校与医院人事管理秘书。{WV 15.1}
Arthur Lacey White, one of seven grandchildren of James and Ellen White, was born to William C. (Willie) and Ethel May White on October 7, 1907. He grew up in picturesque Pratt Valley, just below the St. Helena Sanitarium in northern California. This small valley cradled the W. C. White home; Elmshaven, the home of Ellen White; and several others. Arthur attended the nearby 10-grade church school and then continued his education at Pacific Union College. He received a certificate in business administration in 1928 and that same year was united in marriage with a classmate, Frieda Belle Swingle. The newlyweds moved to Madison College in Tennessee, he to serve as assistant accountant and she as secretary to college and hospital personnel. {WV 15.1}
第二年亚瑟被召回到榆园,担任怀爱伦著作托管委员会会计和他74岁老父亲的助理。他父亲是照怀爱伦的遗嘱所指定的管理她的著作的五位教会领袖之一。当亚瑟于1929年来加盟时,他的父亲正担任托管委员会行政干事。在随后的九年,亚瑟承担了越来越多的责任。1933年,他被任命为董事会的助理行政干事。1937年末,83岁的怀威廉去世。不久,亚瑟被选为董事会的终身成员和委员会行政干事,他担任这一职务达41年之久。{WV 15.2}
The following year Arthur was called to the office of the Ellen G. White Estate at Elmshaven to serve as accountant and general assistant to his 74-year-old father. The latter, one of five church leaders appointed by Ellen White in her will to administer her estate, was secretary of the board of trustees when Arthur joined him in 1929. During the next nine years Arthur was given increasing responsibilities, and in 1933 he was appointed assistant secretary of the board. Shortly after the death of W. C. White at the age of 83, in late 1937, Arthur was elected as a life member of the board and secretary of the estate, a position he held for 41 years. {WV 15.2}
他父亲去世后,为长远之计,由亚瑟负责,把办公室和怀爱伦的文件转移到了华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的基督复临安息日会全球总会办公大楼。主要的工作,包括在世界范围内推广预言之灵著作,汇集怀爱伦文稿编辑出版,诸如《布道论》,《复临信徒的家庭》和《信息选粹》等书。编辑三卷《怀爱伦著作索引》是这类工作的顶峰。{WV 15.3}
On the death of his father, in harmony with plans of long standing, Arthur supervised the transfer of the office and E. G. White files to the world headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington, D.C. Principal tasks included working with the world field in the development of the available Spirit of Prophecy literature and assembling E. G. White materials for publication, in compilations such as Evangelism, The Adventist Home, and Selected Messages, climaxed by the three-volume Comprehensive Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White. {WV 15.3}
由于基督复临安息日会神学院的发展,怀亚瑟参加了华盛顿、银泉(Silver Spring) 和海外的教学。他担任了13所神学院海外函授学校的教学工作。作为怀氏托管委员会的行政干事,他还为期刊写了许多文章,并撰写了许多与怀爱伦和她的著作有关的重要专著。1973年,安德烈大学 授予他神学博士荣誉学位。{WV 15.4}
With the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Arthur White was drawn into a teaching program in Washington, Berrien Springs, and overseas. He taught in 13 overseas Seminary Extension Schools. As secretary of the White Estate he also wrote many periodical articles and produced substantial monographs dealing with various matters relating to Ellen White and her teachings. In 1973 Andrews University conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. {WV 15.4}
1966年,怀爱伦著作托管委员会经与全球总会领袖商议,决定请怀长老撰写完整的怀爱伦传记。因为他与传记对象的特殊的个人关系,他感到犹豫不决!但是,由于他早期传道的时候就取了一种立场,像其它忠实的基督复临安息日会信徒一样,谈到怀爱伦时,他把她当作“怀姐妹”, 而不是当作“我的祖母”。他接受了这个任务。1978年,他辞去了怀爱伦著作托管委员会行政干事一职,把他几乎全部的精力都放在了传记写作上。按照他精心编排的时间表,每年写一卷——总共六卷--他的工作大部分都是在他家的书房里完成的。在那里,他可以一心一意地研究和写作;同时,在怀爱伦著作托管委员会的保险库 里,他很容易就能找到他所需要的资料。{WV 15.5}
In 1966 the White Estate board of trustees, in counsel with the General Conference officers, asked Elder White to author a definitive biography of Ellen White. Hesitant because of his personal relationship to the subject of the biography, but conditioned by his stance taken early in his ministry that he would relate to Ellen White as would any other loyal Seventh-day Adventist, viewing her as “Sister White” and not as “my grandmother,” he accepted the assignment. In 1978 he resigned as secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate to devote his energies almost exclusively to the biography project. Adhering to a careful schedule, he produced one volume each year—six in all—doing his work largely in his study at home, where he could give undivided attention to research and writing while at the same time maintaining easy access to the rich sources in the White Estate vault. {WV 15.5}
完成这项里程碑似的工作后,亚瑟和弗里达怀搬到他们退休后的家,在加利福尼亚州的迪尔帕克。这里有花园、果园和工场,位于圣海伦娜健康中心和普拉特山谷的山顶上。亚瑟就是在那里出生的。六年后,他于1991年1月12日逝世,享年83岁。{WV 15.6}
With this monumental task completed, Arthur and Frieda White moved to their retirement home at Deer Park, California, with its garden, orchard, and workshop situated on the crest of the hill above the St. Helena Health Center and the Pratt Valley, where Arthur was born. Six years later, on January 12, 1991, he died at the age of 83. {WV 15.6}
—— 发行人
The Publishers