Lot’s Experience
世界的现状与罗得的日子相似,当时所多玛的败坏导致天使访问那个邪恶的城市,看看达到上天的呼声是否具有如此一种性质以致美丽的所多玛——一座曾蒙上帝高度恩待的城市——的居民已败坏到他们的作风在耶和华面前没有了得赎的指望。上帝的忿怒显著地彰显,因为所多玛人的败坏已如此之深。天上的访客能亲眼看到所多玛人已经越过了上帝容忍的限度。{KC 3.5}
The state of the world now is similar to that which existed in the days of Lot, when Sodom’s corruption called for the angels visit to that wicked city, to see whether the cries coming up before heaven were of such a character that the inhabitants of beautiful Sodom—a city that had been so highly favored of God—had so corrupted their ways before the Lord that there was no hope of redemption. God’s wrath was revealed so signally because the corruption of the Sodomites was extended so deep. The heavenly visitants could see for themselves that the Sodomites had passed the limits of divine forbearance.{KC 3.5}
天使拉着罗得和他妻子女儿的手,催促他们逃离该城,唯恐上帝审判的风暴突然临到他们如此犹豫而不愿离开的地方。他们接到严肃的命令要赶紧离开;因为猛烈的风暴只会推迟一点点时候。然而其中的一个逃亡者却擅自惋惜地回顾那座注定毁灭的城市,她就变成了上帝审判的一个纪念碑,——表明祂如何看待不信和擅敢叛变。{KC 3.6}
The angels took Lot and his wife and daughters by the hand, to hasten their flight from the city, lest the storm of divine judgment should break upon the place they hesitated so much to leave. They were solemnly commanded to hasten; for the fiery storm would be delayed but little longer. But one of the fugitives presumptuously ventured to cast a regretful look backward to the doomed city, and she became a monument of God’s judgment,—showing how He regards unbelief and presumptuous rebellion.{KC 3.6}
上帝的忿怒对罗得妻子的这次报应使得剩下的三个人在离开该城的途中加紧赶路。然而罗得不愿逃到山上,曾恳求耶和华留下一座距所多玛有几英里的较小的城,他可以逃到那里去。他表现了何等大的不信啊。他的信心很软弱。但上帝应罗得的请求,本着祂的怜悯保留了[琐珥]。{KC 3.7}
This visitation of God’s wrath upon Lot’s wife hurried the remaining three on their way from the city. But Lot, not desiring to flee to the mountains, had pleaded with the Lord to spare a smaller city a few miles from Sodom where he could flee. What unbelief he manifested. His faith was very weak. But God in His mercy spared [Zoar], in answer to Lot’s petitions.{KC 3.7}
他们进入[琐珥]的结果被清楚地记载在圣经里。所多玛周围所有的城市都因所多玛的罪恶而败坏了。{KC 4.1}
The result of their going into [Zoar] is plainly recorded in the Scriptures. All the cities surrounding Sodom were corrupted with the sins of the Sodomites.{KC 4.1}
何时一个国家不法的事增多,就必听见有声音传讲警告与指示,正如所多玛城听到罗得的声音一样。然而罗得若不在那罪恶滔天的败坏城市中安家,就大可保守他的家属避免许多的邪恶了。罗得和他的家属在所多玛城所成就的,即使他们居住离城较远的地带,也照样可以作成。以诺与上帝同行,但他没有像罗得住在所多玛一样,居住在为各样凶暴及罪恶所污染的城市中。{KC 4.2}
When iniquity abounds in a nation, there is always to be heard some voice giving warning and instruction, as the voice of Lot was heard in Sodom. Yet Lot could have preserved his family from many evils had he not made his home in this wicked, polluted city. All that Lot and his family did in Sodom could have been done by them, even if they had lived in a place some distance from the city. Enoch walked with God, and yet he did not live in the midst of any city, polluted with every kind of violence and wickedness, as did Lot in Sodom.{KC 4.2}
我现在没有时间将我希望主会加给我力量将关于这个问题的所有内容都呈现在祂的百姓面前。{KC 4.3}
I have not time now to present all that I hope the Lord will strengthen me to present to his people in regard to this matter.{KC 4.3}
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