The Importance of Obedience
相信末日真理的医师将面临巧妙危险的试探。在另一等工人身上会受到谴责的事,医师以为自己可以采用。这样就掩盖了许多罪,这罪在天国的册子上会被定为偏离圣经的原则。医师若知道自己的危险,坚定地站在他的救主身边,就能抵挡这些试探。我们若忠于圣经的话,就是站在基督一边,站在圣洁忠诚的天使一边,受到全能上帝的保护。这样,我们还会怕谁呢?{KC 61.2}
Subtle, dangerous temptations will come to the physicians who believe the truth for these last days. That which would be condemned in a worker of another class is supposed to be admissible in a physician. Thus a multitude of sins are covered up, sins which are registered in the books of heaven as a departure from Bible principles. These temptations the physician may resist if he understands his peril and stands fast by his Saviour. If true to the word of God, we are on the side of Christ, on the side of the loyal, holy angels: we stand under the shield of Omnipotence. Of whom, then, should we be afraid?{KC 61.2}
有些人不能赏识基督的福音到足以在他们工作的每一方面实行它。那些浅薄自私的人并没有凭经验认识上帝或耶稣基督,他们总是没有信心。在他们眼中,小障碍看起来就像大山,路上总是有狮子。{KC 61.3}
There are those who cannot appreciate the gospel of Christ sufficiently to practice it in every line of their work. These will criticize. Those who are superficial and selfish do not know God or Jesus Christ by an experimental knowledge, and they are always faithless. In their eyes small obstructions appear as mountains. There is always a lion in the way.{KC 61.3}
上帝要求进入内心的真理。祂必赐圣灵给凡本着信心向祂祈求的人。祂需要人担任福音传道人,担任医师,没有任何奉承能使他们背离真理。传道人和医生应当在上帝的统治之下。凡心中有圣灵支配的人都会效法基督的榜样。他们的生活、品格都会很像耶稣,以致会击退人们对基督纯正真理不公正的指责。{KC 61.4}
The Lord requires truth in the inward parts. He will give the Holy Spirit to all who ask Him in faith. He calls for men to act as gospel ministers, to act as physicians, whom no flattery can cause to swerve from the truth. Ministers and doctors are to be under the rule of God. He in whose heart the Spirit of God bears rule, will follow the example of Christ. The life, the character, will be so Christ-like that it will roll back the unjust reproach from the pure truth of Christ.{KC 61.4}
在上帝的工作中切不可有失败。每一个思想、每一个计划,都必须与上帝明示的旨意和谐一致。祂是我们的创造主、我们的救赎主、我们的策士;祂应当在凡事上为始、为终、为至善。{KC 61.5}
There must be no failure in God’s work. Every thought, every plan, must be in harmony with God’s expressed will. He is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Counsellor; He is to be the first, and last and best in everything.{KC 61.5}
心灵在顺从上帝的诫命时会领受最好的东西。当人将心思、意念和生命都奉献于祂的服务时,就能享受上帝眷爱的每一福气。人们若是愿意接受基督,并且看到上帝律法的约束性要求 ,就不会采取中立的立场,而会以完全的信心站出来,说:耶和华是我的帮助者。祂是惟一的真神,祂所差来的耶稣基督是至高无上永远的良善。这样他们就会为自己获得上帝的伟大应许。{KC 61.6}
In obedience to the commandments of God the soul will receive the best of everything. Every blessing may be enjoyed with the favor of God when heart, mind, and life are consecrated to His service. If men would accept Christ, and see the binding claims of the law of God, they would not take a neutral position, but would stand out in full confidence, and say, The Lord is my helper. He is the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent is the supreme and everlasting Good. Thus they would secure for themselves the grand promises of God.{KC 61.6}
这是一项个人的工作。上帝圣工中的每一个工人都应该努力变得越来越有效率。切不可粗心漠视上帝明示的旨意。与上帝同工的人必须靠上帝口中所出的一切话而活。让我们单独接近那山,以便明白耶和华的命令,然后听从吧!{KC 61.7}
This is an individual work. Every worker in God’s cause should strive to become more and more efficient. There must be no careless disregard of God’s expressed will. The laborer together with God must live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Let us individually draw nigh to the mount that we may understand what the Lord commands, and then obey.{KC 61.7}
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