第26章 警告的话
Chap. 26—A Word of Caution
我心上有一个负担。有些青年人受鼓励去学医科,但他们应该预备自己最坚决地传扬第三位天使的信息。我们的医科学生不必花所有时间在医科的学习上。他们的工作应该更坚定地与研究上帝的道相结合。根本不必要的思想被灌输给了他们,而必要的事却没有受到足够的注意。{8T 163.1}[1]
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia,October 26, 1898
To the Advisers of Medical Students:There is a burden upon my soul. There are young people who are encouraged to take up a course of study in medical lines who ought to be preparing themselves most decidedly to proclaim the third angel’s message. It is not necessary for our medical students to spend all the time that they are spending in medical studies. Their work should be more decidedly combined with a study of God’s word. Ideas are inculcated that are not at all necessary, and the necessary things do not receive sufficient attention.{8T 163.1}[1]
当学生们以这种方式受教时,就变得比较不能为主做可蒙悦纳的工作。他们为获得广博的医疗知识而下的苦功使他们不适合照他们所应当的做传道的工作。他们因过度紧张的学习而使身心疲惫,因为学生们受鼓励去为被弃的人和堕落的人过分地作工。有些人因而丧失了作工的资格,要是他们在需要的地方开始传道的工作,并把医疗工作作为福音传道事工整体的一个重要的部分结合进来,就象手臂之于身体一样,他们原本可以做成这工作。不要在努力获得医科教育时使生命受到危害。在有些情况下,学生们有危险毁掉自己的健康,使自己不配作要是他们未曾不明智地受鼓励去学医科原能做成的服务。{8T 163.2}[2]
【A Danger to Be Guarded Against】
While students are being educated in this way, they are being made less able to do acceptable work for the Master. The taxation that they undergo to obtain an extended knowledge in medical lines unfits them to work as they should in ministerial lines. Physical and mental weariness come because of the overstrain of study, and because the students are encouraged to labor unduly for the outcasts and the degraded. Thus some are disqualified for the work that they might have done had they begun missionary work where it was needed and let the medical line come in as an essential part connected with the work of the gospel ministry as a whole, as the hand is connected with the body. Life is not to be imperiled in an effort to obtain a medical education. There is danger, in some cases, that students will ruin their health and unfit themselves to do the service they might have done had they not been unwisely encouraged to take a medical course.{8T 163.2}[2]
往往有错误的意见被转移在人心上,导致人采取不明智的行动方针。学生们应该有时间与上帝交谈,有时间过时时有意识地与真理公义与仁慈的原则相交流的生活。此时率直的内心省察是必不可少的。学生必须使自己置身于可从属灵和才智能力之源汲取之处。他必须要求每个要他同情与合作的理由都经上帝所赐的理智和圣灵所控制的良心批准。他不做出一个与照亮他心灵鼓舞他意志的深刻圣洁原则不一致的行动。只有这样,他才能为上帝做最高的服务。他不当受教认为医疗布道工作会把他限定于什么人,由那人来指示他要做什么工作。{8T 164.1}[3]
Often erroneous opinions are transcribed on the mind, and these lead to an unwise course of action. Students should have time to talk with God, time to live in hourly, conscious communion with the principles of truth and righteousness and mercy. At this time straightforward investigation of the heart is essential. The student must place himself where he can draw from the Source of spiritual and intellectual power. He must require that every cause which asks his sympathy and co-operation has the approval of the reason which God has given him, and the conscience, which the Holy Spirit is controlling. He is not to perform an action that does not harmonize with the deep, holy principles which minister light to his soul and vigor to his will. Only thus can he do God the highest service. He is not to be taught that medical missionary work will bind him to any man, who shall dictate what his work shall be.{8T 164.1}[3]
不可把医疗布道工作分出去与教会组织分离。医科学生不可接受这种观点,以为他们可以视自己只应服从医疗工作的领袖。应该让他们自由领受上帝的忠告。他们不可把自己和自己的将来抵押给有错的人可能给他们规划的任何事。不可将一丝自私织入网中;所制定的计划中不可有分毫的不公。不可让自私控制工作的任何方面。但愿我们记住,我们个人都完全在天上世界的众目睽睽之下工作。{8T 164.2}[4]
Medical missionary work is not to be drawn apart and made separate from church organization. The medical students are not to receive the idea that they may regard themselves as amenable only to the leaders in the medical work. They are to be left free to receive counsel from God. They are not to pledge themselves and their future to anything that erring human beings may outline for them. No thread of selfishness is to be drawn into the web; no scheme is to be devised that has in it one particle of injustice. Selfishness is not to control any line of the work. Let us remember that individually we are working in full view of the heavenly universe.{8T 164.2}[4]
“你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的上帝;又要爱邻舍如同自己”(路10:27)。基督在离开祂的门徒返回天庭之前,曾宣布:“我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相爱。”在这里我们见到了被提得高而又高的标准。“你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了”(约13:34,35)。门徒当时没能理解基督的话;但在祂被钉,复活,升天之后,他们前所未有地明白了祂的爱。他们曾见到这爱表现在祂在园中、在审判厅中、在髑髅地的十字架上受死时所受的苦难中。{8T 164.3}[5]
【A High Standard】
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.”Luke 10:27. Just before?He left His disciples to return to heaven, Christ declared: “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” Here we see the standard lifted higher and still higher. “By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another.”John 13:34, 35. The disciples could not then comprehend Christ’s words; but after His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension they understood His love as never before. They had seen it expressed in His suffering in the garden, in the judgment hall, and in His death on the cross of Calvary.{8T 164.3}[5]
主的子民是要合一的。在祂的工作中不可有分别。基督差派了十二使徒,后来又差派了七十个门徒,去传福音并医治病人。祂说:“你们随走随传,说‘天国近了!’医治病人,叫死人复活,叫长大麻疯的洁净,把鬼赶出去。你们白白的得来,也要白白的舍去”(太10:7,8)。而当他们前去传扬上帝的国时,就有能力赐给他们,医治病人并赶出污鬼。在上帝的工作中,教导与医治从未分开。祂守诫命的子民是要合一的。撒但必发明各种诡计要使上帝正谋求使之合一的那些人分离。但主必显示自己为审判的上帝。我们是在天上众军的眼下工作。在我们中间有一位神圣的守望者,视察所计划所进行的一切事。{8T 165.1}[6]
【Teaching and Healing】
The Lord’s people are to be one. There is to be no separation in His work. Christ sent out the twelve apostles, and afterward the seventy disciples, to preach the gospel and to heal the sick. “As ye go,” He said, “preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”Matthew 10:7, 8. And as they went forth preaching the kingdom of God, power was given them to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits. In God’s work, teaching and healing are never to be separated. His commandment-keeping people are to be one. Satan will invent every device to separate those whom God is seeking to make one. But the Lord will reveal Himself as a God of judgment. We are working under the eyes of the heavenly host. There is a divine Watcher among us, inspecting all that is planned and carried on.{8T 165.1}[6]
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